Programs in Alaska

1363 W. Spruce Ave, Wasilla, AK 99654
(907) 376-2411
This program serves Matanuska-Sustina Borough
Age range accepted: 15 to 25 years
Programs in Idaho

Strength Through Active Recovery (STAR)
Region 3 Behavioral Health Center
3402 Franklin Rd, Caldwell, ID 83605
(208) 459-0092 | STAR3@dhw.idaho.gov
This program serves Canyon, Gem, Payett,
Owyhee, Washington, and Adams counties
Age range accepted: 15 to 30 years
Strength Through Active Recovery (STAR)
Region 6 Behavioral Health Center
421 Memorial Dr, Pocatello, ID 83201
This program serves Bannock, Power, Caribou,
Bear, Lake, Franklin, and Oneida counties
Age range accepted: 15 to 30 years
Strength Through Active Recovery (STAR)
Region 7 Behavioral Health Center
150 Shoup Ave, Suite 17, Idaho Falls, ID 83440
(208) 528-5700 | STAR7@dhw.idaho.gov
This program serves Bingham, Bonneville, Jefferson, Madison, and Tenton counties
Age range accepted: 15 to 30 years
Programs in Oregon

Clastop Behavioral Healthcare
Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)
2120 Exchange Street, Suite 203
Astoria, OR 97103
(503) 325-0241 Ext. 201
This program serves Clastop county
Age range accepted: 12 to 25 years
Columbia Community Mental Health
Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)
58646 McNulty Way
St. Helens, OR 97051
(503) 397-5211
This program serves Columbia county
Age range accepted: 12 to 25 years
Community Counseling Solutions
Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)
528 East Main St., Suite W
John Day, OR 97845
(541) 625-1623
This program serves Grant, Gilliam, Morrow, & Wheeler Counties
Age range accepted: 12 to 25 years
Mid-Columbia Center for Living
Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)
1610 Woods Court
Hood River, OR 97031
(541) 386-2620
This program serves Grant, Gilliam, Morrow, & Wheeler Counties
Age range accepted: 12 to 25 years

For a list of all Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA) programs located in OR visit