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Programs in Alaska




1363 W. Spruce Ave, Wasilla, AK 99654

(907) 376-2411


This program serves Matanuska-Sustina Borough

Age range accepted: 15 to 25 years




Programs in Idaho



Strength Through Active Recovery (STAR) 

Region 3 Behavioral Health Center

3402 Franklin Rd, Caldwell, ID 83605

(208) 459-0092 |


This program serves Canyon, Gem, Payett,

Owyhee, Washington, and Adams counties

Age range accepted: 15 to 30 years





Strength Through Active Recovery (STAR) 

Region 6 Behavioral Health Center

421 Memorial Dr, Pocatello, ID 83201


This program serves Bannock, Power, Caribou,

Bear, Lake, Franklin, and Oneida counties

Age range accepted: 15 to 30 years





Strength Through Active Recovery (STAR) 

Region 7 Behavioral Health Center

150 Shoup Ave, Suite 17, Idaho Falls, ID 83440

(208) 528-5700 |


This program serves Bingham, Bonneville, Jefferson, Madison, and Tenton counties

Age range accepted: 15 to 30 years



Programs in Oregon



Clastop Behavioral Healthcare

Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)

2120 Exchange Street, Suite 203
Astoria, OR 97103

(503) 325-0241 Ext. 201


This program serves Clastop county

Age range accepted: 12 to 25 years





Columbia Community Mental Health 

Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)

58646 McNulty Way 

St. Helens, OR 97051

(503) 397-5211


This program serves Columbia county

Age range accepted: 12 to 25 years


Community Counseling Solutions 

Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)

528 East Main St., Suite W 

John Day, OR 97845

(541) 625-1623


This program serves Grant, Gilliam, Morrow, & Wheeler Counties

Age range accepted: 12 to 25 years


Mid-Columbia Center for Living

Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)

1610 Woods Court 
Hood River, OR 97031

(541) 386-2620


This program serves Grant, Gilliam, Morrow, & Wheeler Counties

Age range accepted: 12 to 25 years



For a list of all Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA) programs located in OR visit

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© The WA Center of Excellence in Early Psychosis is a joint collaboration between the UW School of Medicine and the WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine.

This work is supported by private, local, state, and federal funds. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors. 2022.

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