Sleep and Physical Health in Youth with
Early Psychosis
Maria Monroe-DeVita, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science
University of Washington School of Medicine
Low levels of physical activity (i.e., sedentary lifestyles) and sleep deficiency are significantly associated with more severe psychotic symptoms, poor social and occupational functioning, and reduced quality of life. However, there is limited investigation of sleep disturbance in the early course of the psychosis especially including using actigraphy in measurement. A research study team, including Drs. Cheng, Chwastiak, and Monroe-DeVita from the University of Washington, is exploring sleep and physical activity in youth, 15-20 years old, with first episode psychosis and their family caregivers by using actigraphy and sleep diaries.
This pilot study aims to describe the feasibility and acceptability in using actigraphy and sleep diaries; and to examine 10 dyads (individuals aged 15-25 experiencing early psychosis and their family caregivers) sleep and physical activity level and the correlation with symptoms and daytime functioning. Their sleeping habits will be assessed by sleep devices (i.e., actigraphy) and sleep diary for one month.